Tuesday, May 24, 2011

IUI #2 CD 26 (11 DPIUI)

So I broke down and POAS this morning. I had been planning to at 10 DPIUI, by my hubby and another blogger convinced me to wait. Well, I was able to wait an extra day. After waking up to a dream about getting a BFP I went for it. Well, no second line appeared, not even a hint of one. W and I were both super bummed, but realized that with IUI's the chances are really against you for it to work (about 20% chance for success). I am planning on testing the next two days to see if anything changes, but I am pretty convinced it didn't work. This afternoon I was much more moody (PMS style).  
I have still been getting up in the middle of the night to pee, maybe now it has just become a habit. I am thinking about stopping the progesterone after tomorrow if I don't get a BFP. I don't want it to delay AF from coming if I am not pregnant. When I had the miscarriage I kept taking the progesterone leading up to my D&C to precent bleeding. I'm not sure if AF will still come on time if I continue the progesterone. 

It is crazy to think about everything we put ourselves through for just a chance to get pregnant. Appointments, blood draws, ultrasounds, injections, progesterone, side effects, and missed time at work just for a shot at success.  I don't understand how I was able to get pregnant on Lupron but can't get pregnant with injectables and IUI. I know it's not over until the red lady shows, but I can't help but feel defeated. 

Maybe my luck will change, but until then I am trying to focus on other things. We put in 13 new plants in our yard today and are busy planning for our grad/housewarming party that is in just a few short weeks. Some of the seeds we planted in our veggie garden have sprouted and the weather has been great (see, I'm trying to be positive!)


  1. Total bummer :( Im so sorry! Just try to keep plugging along. All we can right? :) Hugs!

  2. Here from ICLW. I am sorry that you didn't get the second line today. It is so hard to do this month after month. Thinking of you.

  3. oh, how i hate seeing just one little line. it looks so lonely all by itself. ;) i'm so sorry that it was a BFN. stay strong and don't give up hope. i KNOW it's going to happen soon. big hugs!

  4. Hello from ICLW. It is so hard to only see that one line. For me, AF has never come until at least a couple days after I stop the progesterone.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the one line, I'm not sure how IUI's work but is it possible that it may be way to early to tell? Big hugs, I'm thinking of you.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and a big thanks for following along. I'll be following along praying for a BFP for ya!

    Happy ICLW!
    ICLW #12

  6. So sorry for this disappointment, though I will say that I have several friends who didn't get their BFP until much later - one even around 20 dp! What is it with those BFP dreams? I have them too, and I always run out to buy a test only to see one line. I think enough is messing with me right now that I really don't need my subconscious mind to jump in too!
    Best of luck! Sending you hugs and hope!

  7. I'm so sorry you didn't see that 2nd line. Try to hang in there.

  8. Ugh, that one line is the hardest thing in the world to stare at b/c all you're wishing is for a second one to show up. *sigh* I'm so sorry Liz.

  9. Sorry to hear it. As you say, the success rates for IUI suck (I say that heading into one next week).
