June 2009-Ditch the pill in hopes I will lose some stubborn weight before our wedding. Not planning to start TTC yet.
October 2009- Married hubby (W).
June 2009-June 2010- Used various forms of birth control (condoms, pull out) Didn't pay close attention to ovulation, just length of cycles.
Dec 2009-Jan 2010- 46 days
Jan-March 2010- 43 days
April 2010- 40 days
May 2010-39 days
July 2010- 37 days
August 2010- 34 days
June 15, 2010- went for a pre-conception check-up with my OB. Asked them to do blood work to check hormone levels due to some longer cycles. A few days later they call and say my testosterone is high and they want to refer me to an endocrinologist. Possibility of PCOS mentioned.
June and July 2010- charted temps and started paying attention. No obvious ovulation. Officially started TTC.
August 4, 2010- saw local endocrinologist who told me I had PCOS without using any specific criteria. Horrible appointment and I vowed to never return and to see a specialist.
August 9, 2010 Got lucky and found a Reproductive Endocrinologist at a nearby clinic who just moved to the area and was added to a practice that generally booked a month or so in advance. Was able to get an appointment short notice. PCOS diagnosed with hormone levels and "ring of pearls" on both ovaries. Found 8 cm cyst on left ovary and was immediately put on BCP's in order to try to shrink cyst.
September 2010- On BCP's. Appointment September 10, 2010 to check if cyst has gotten smaller. Looks exactly the same. Surgery scheduled for October 20.
October 20, 2010- laparoscopy surgery to drain cyst. Cyst ended up being on fallopian tube (hence the BCP's not working). HSG done and shows both tubes blocked.
November 2010- 30 day cycle. Decided to pursue IVF as best option to get pregnant. Went on BCP's.
December 2010- 31 day cycle with BCP's. IVF teaching, sonohystogram and trial transfer, semen analysis- everything looks good with the exception that the cyst has returned. Cyst is smaller (about 6-7 cm, but back in action).
January 5, 2010- Started Lupron for IVF cycle.
January 21, 2011- Waited on AF but never came. Had an ultrasound for suppression/stims check. Ultrasound tech finds early gestational sac and runs HCG levels. Come back positive (2051), surprise BFP. Start progesterone. Apparently one tube is working!
February 4, 2011- Follow-up ultrasound. Heart beat found to be 101. Measures 5 weeks 6 days.
February 8, 2011- Sent to local lab for progesterone and HCG levels. HCG levels come back low at 3972.
February 18, 2011- Another ultrasound shows growth stopped at 6 weeks and no cardiac activity. D&C and second laparoscopy to remove cyst scheduled for 2/24/11.
February 24, 2011- Laparoscopy and D&C. Laparoscopy reveals benign tumor within the cyst and left tube is removed.
March 2011- Started Metformin 500 mg/day. Post-op appointment with RE. Discussed Clomid and back to back IUI's for the next cycle.
April 2011- Clomid 50mg days 2-6 with single IUI on CD14. Ultrasound on April 11 reveals dominant follicle on left side (without tube) and nothing promising on right side. Clomid + dominant follicle on wrong side=me feeling super depressed. Cycle results in BFN. Willing to give it one more shot in May with injectables.
May 2011- Start 75 IU Gonal-F, Metformin dose increased to 1000 mg. Gonal-F dosage upped after about a week, and larger follicles on each side. Estradiol is slow to rise and only gets to the 400 range by IUI date. Back-to-back IUI's also result in BFN.
August 2011- Start FET cycle. Transfer cancelled due to fluid in uterus again. Endometrial biopsy performed to try to determine cause for fluid. Put on BCP's until can start next FET. Biopsy reveals traces of benign polyp. Sonohysterogram #2 scheduled for September 19th.
September 2011- Sonohysterogram #2 shows at least 2 polyps with the largest at 1 cm. Surgical hysteroscopy scheduled for October 5th 2011. Polyps are believed to have been caused by high levels of estrogen during IVF and FET cycles. Continue birth control pills until after surgery.
October 5, 2011-Surgical hysteroscopy/polypectomy removes at least 1 polyp. Started Prometrium Nov 1st.
November 11, 2011- Spotting considered CD 1
November 14, 2011- Started oral Estradiol 1x/ day for FET. Ultrasound scheduled for November 23rd shows lining at 5.5. Started bleeding week on November 23rd but lining still looks great. Next ultrasound November 28th shows lining at 11.5. November 28 started progesterone.
January 2013- Start IVF #5. Menopur only for stims in addition to Lovenox and Viagra for blood flow. 12 eggs retrieved and 10 fertilize. Transfer 2 hatching blasts on day 5 and 4 days later get a faint positive on a HPT.
February 2013- Pregnancy #4 confirmed with great HCG levels
June 16, 2011-Started Lupron for IVF cycle.
July 2011- IVF cycle results in 11 retrieved eggs and 5 embryos. 50-50 ICSI done. Only one egg fertilizes without ICSI. Transfer is cancelled due to fluid in the uterus and 5 embryos are frozen on day 3.
August 2011- Start FET cycle. Transfer cancelled due to fluid in uterus again. Endometrial biopsy performed to try to determine cause for fluid. Put on BCP's until can start next FET. Biopsy reveals traces of benign polyp. Sonohysterogram #2 scheduled for September 19th.
September 2011- Sonohysterogram #2 shows at least 2 polyps with the largest at 1 cm. Surgical hysteroscopy scheduled for October 5th 2011. Polyps are believed to have been caused by high levels of estrogen during IVF and FET cycles. Continue birth control pills until after surgery.
October 5, 2011-Surgical hysteroscopy/polypectomy removes at least 1 polyp. Started Prometrium Nov 1st.
November 11, 2011- Spotting considered CD 1
November 14, 2011- Started oral Estradiol 1x/ day for FET. Ultrasound scheduled for November 23rd shows lining at 5.5. Started bleeding week on November 23rd but lining still looks great. Next ultrasound November 28th shows lining at 11.5. November 28 started progesterone.
December 6, 2011- Finally transferred our embryos with a FET after 6 months of waiting. Transferred 4 embryos, but on Dec 21 beta confirmed a negative. Decided to switch clinics due to mainly financial reasons but also problems with previous clinic (nurse, availability, hours). On December 23rd, AF showed and called new clinic to set up baseline.
December 26, 2011- Baseline blood work and sono at new clinic to start IVF #2. Paid for a package which includes 3 IVF cycles. Start BCP's for IVF #2.
December 26, 2011- Baseline blood work and sono at new clinic to start IVF #2. Paid for a package which includes 3 IVF cycles. Start BCP's for IVF #2.
January 3, 2012- Annual physical with primary physician. He notices my thyroid seems enlarged and refers me for an ultrasound. TSH levels are normal. Ultrasound shows normal thryroid and cleared to start IVF #2.
January 9th, 2012- Started Lupron for IVF #2
January/February 2012- IVF #2 results in 28 eggs retrieved, 21 fertilized and 17 continue growing. Transfer 2 4AA blastocysts and freeze 4 others (1 4AB, 2 4BB, 1 5BC). First HCG is positive at 43, second doesn't double at 63. Third beta represents normal doubling at 175. First ultrasound scheduled for March 1st reveals chemical pregnancy. HCG levels had dropped to 16.8.
March 2012- FET cycle. Transferred 4 blasts and ended up with a BFN. When embryos were frozen 1 was rated good and 3 were fair.
April/May 2012- IVF #3 results in 19 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized. Transfer 3 blasts 1 4AA, 1 4AB, 1 2BB and freeze 2 others. HCG comes back at 19.5. Another chemical pregnancy : (
June 2012- HCG is 14 when AF arrives so no FET. Blood work on CD 28 shows ovulation occurred. Natural cycle of 42 days. Sister announces her pregnancy.
July 2012- FET #3=BFN. July 31st consult appointment with Dr. Braverman, a reproductive immunologist in NYC. Dr. Braverman orders 32 tubes of blood drawn. Schedule follow-up with him for September 17th.
September 2012- Follow up with Dr. Braverman revealed blood clotting gene mutations MTHFR, Factor V, and PAI 1 4G. Also showed 6 HLA matches. Recommended a antagonist protocol with a freeze all cycle. Also recommended the use of Lovenox, baby aspirin, and Neupogen.
September/October 2012- IVF #4 managed by Dr. Braverman at my local clinic resulted in 23 eggs. Of the 23 eggs 19 were mature and 13 fertilized. This resulted in 7 blastocysts frozen on days 5/6.
October 2012- birth control pills in preparation for FET.
November 2012- Start Lupron, Lovenox, and Neupogen for FET. Did an endometrial biopsy. Transfer date November 26th. BFN.
December 2012- Start BCP's for IVF #5 at Dr. Braverman's office. Hysteroscopy done by Dr. B to check for fibroid noticed on ultrasound. Also diagnosed with diminished blood flow to uterus.
February 2013- Pregnancy #4 confirmed with great HCG levels