Thursday, April 7, 2011

When work melts your heart

So I lost my patience and felt extremely irritable earlier this week. Luckily those symptoms are starting to subside (either that or I am maintaining better composure). Either way, I am happy for the change.

The child who frustrated me so badly (Will) on Monday was much better today. Although he was still squirmy, he attended and tried what I was asking him to do. Well, when I was leaving and saying good-bye (he walked me to the door like the little gentleman that he is) he starting talking. He is REALLY difficult to understand (hence him getting speech) and I was trying to decipher what he was saying. I caught the words "I'm sorry" and "crow game" and put it together to mean he was apologizing for not being good last time when we were playing a game I call the "crow game". I couldn't believe he came out and apologized without anyone telling him to. It made me so happy to know he was sorry for being such a little punk. Ok, I love him again : )