Monday, June 25, 2012

What's Going On

There's not much to report on, but I figured I should give some kind update or another.

Last week was the last week of the school year. Although I work through the summer I have a vastly reduced caseload and rather enjoy it. It's so nice to work shorter days. Today I worked from 9-1:30 and it was pretty amazing. I also realized I only have 1 girl on my caseload for the summer thus far. Help me with the patience to deal with all little boys! I'm going to be supervising a graduate student for a few weeks so that should keep me on the ball and better prepared in general. 

Two weeks ago tonight I got a positive OPK. I have taken a few pregnancy tests and I don't think this cycle was a winner. That's OK. Now I'm just waiting on AF to start my next FET. 

Tonight as we were eating dinner we heard a huge crash and looked outside to see that someone had crashed their truck into the telephone pole right outside our house. Luckily the guy was fine and W was able to call 911. The reason he veered off the road and hit the pole? He was taking a puff on his inhaler on the way to the store to buy cigarettes. 

I've done the initial forms to see about Dr. He is a reproductive immunologist in NYC. Although I have another cycle covered with C.NY I would like his input on what we could do differently. I spent the time filing out his comprehensive history form on Sunday. This morning I saw a number on my phone that I figured was his office. I didn't pick it up because I was running late and it isn't something I'm jumping up and down to do right away. Well, when I listened to my voicemail the message was from Dr. himself. He said he read my information and had some ideas. It seemed like the biggest thing he had ideas about was the coasting. I emailed him tonight to see how consulting with my doctor would work. I also found out that a phone consultation is not covered by my insurance but an in office one is. I'm still digesting and trying to figure out if it is worth it. When I looked at his blog they listed a 75% success rate for fresh IVF cycles for women my age. My clinic is 33%. That is such a huge difference I think it is worth investigating. Also, he specializes in recurrent pregnancy loss, which unfortunately, I appear to fall in that category now. 

We attended a wedding this weekend of a friend from graduate school. The wedding was on Cor.nell's campus and was amazing! The bride and groom seemed so happy and in love and everything was beautiful. The food was amazing and everything was really fun. I can't believe how much I ate....

We had our BBQ on Friday and it went really well. It was nice to have all young people there and everyone had a great time. I had way too much wine this weekend between the BBQ and wedding and the cold I had last week has progressed and I'm still feeling crappy. I'm definitely ready to start feeling better. 

So that's the update on what's going on. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you don't think this cycle is going to work out... hoping our upcoming FETs are the ones for us :) xoxo

  2. The consult with Dr. B sounds promising! I really hope this is the missing piece for you two and that your BFP is coming very soon.

  3. Wow that is an incredible success rate for Dr. B's office! If things don't work out for me with my RE, I might consider looking into his office. I really hope that you can get everything figured out so that you can get your sticky BFP.

  4. I agree that the consult with Dr B sounds really promising! fingers crossed that it will make a positive difference.
