Thursday, February 2, 2012

IVF #2 CD 15 Fertilization Report and Sick as a Dog

I worked on Tuesday. One little guy I see for therapy had a mom with the stomach bug. Instead of canceling, I saw him at his grandma's house instead since he was feeling fine. That night I saw on Facebook that he came down with it as did his Dad. I was a bit fearful but figured I had washed my hands and hadn't been too hands-on with him during our session. Well, no such luck. Last night around 1:30 I woke up extremely nauseous. I had weighed myself before bed like the instructions from my clinic said to do. 
From 1:30 until at least 4:30 I was up every half hour vomiting. The diarrhea joined in about mid-way through the night (sorry if TMI). I was a wreck. I couldn't keep down a sip of water. This morning I weighed myself and I was down 6 pounds! Since I wasn't having any symptoms of OHSS I contribute it to the stomach bug. So far today I haven't thrown up at all, but all I've managed to consume is half a bottle of Gatorade. Not really the hydration I was hoping for. 

We got the call this morning about fertilization. Of the 28 eggs retrieved they were able to ISCI 21 of them. Of those 21, 17 fertilized. We are scheduled for a 5 day transfer on Monday morning at 9:15. 

Other than feeling like death from the stomach bug, I've been OK. Maybe the sickness masked any of feelings of discomfort from the retrieval. W stayed home and took care of me today and I really hope he doesn't come down with the same thing. Seriously horrible!

I'm not sure if it's the Dexamethasone or what, but since starting it I came down with a cold and a stomach bug. Usually I'm able to fight off the germs I am exposed to at work. I'm just hoping I start to feel better soon and actually want to eat. 

I don't think we will hear anything else about our embryos until Saturday so until then I am just focusing on feeling better and maybe even getting out of bed some time today. It has not been the most fun 24 hours!


  1. Ugh, so sorry to hear you're so sick, but what wonderful news that you have 17 embabies growing away!! *fingers crossed* for you!!

  2. Oh man Im sorry to hear about you getting sick. Stomach bugs are the worse and I cant even imagine that plus post retrevial, yuck. Wow what a great count you had. We talked to our doctor this morning and they are going to do ICSI on the majority of our eggs. That makes me feel so much better.

    Get to feeling better.

  3. Get some rest and drink as much as you can. I always thought they said Gatorade and V-8 were the best during this period (despite the stomach bug). 17 fertilized babes, P.S. is a rocking number. Hoping for two strong ones for transfer and plenty of frozen guys.

  4. Great fert report! I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Awesome fert report!!! :) Hope you feel better soon! Stomach bugs are awfullllll.

  6. Good report but I'm sorry your so sick. Feel better!!!

  7. Congrats Liz!! We both have 17 and Monday transfers. GL sweet girl! Oh, and feel better...

  8. That's awesome! I mean, not the flu part (which is seriously awful) but the 28 -> 21 -> 17 part! Your cycle continues to mimic mine (36 -> 22 -> 18) which is crazy... and I'm hoping so much that yours surpasses mine with a nice big BFP!

    Feel better!

  9. Sorry to hear you got so sick I couldn't imagine having the flu on top of recovering from your ET. I just started reading your blog since we're on a similar IVF schedule. Just started one of my own.

  10. Are you a birth-three therapist? That's what it sounded like from your post...I am a birth-3 PT and just failed my first IVF. :-( wishin you all the best on this round, so far everything sounds just perfect. Cheering you on!
