Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Operation Dump the Pump

For the first 8 weeks of Lucy and Clara's lives I pumped after every.single.feeding. It was time consuming and exhausting to say the least, but with them being preemies I wanted to be sure I had an ample supply for them. W was nice enough to take on the task of washing the pieces since I pumped the milk. For a few weeks we were sanitizing after every use due to thrush. We bought a chest freezer for storage as in the early days we were freezing about 25 ounces per day. 

When W went back to work I just couldn't pump during the day. It was too hard for me to take care of the girls, pump, wash pieces, and sanitize. So, I started pumping after the feedings when he was around or if I had an extra set if hands to help. The freezer got fuller and fuller as the girls completely refused bottles. I donated a couple hundred ounces, yet still space was limited. 

For the past few months I've been pumping only in the mornings after the girls ate. Although I appreciated the alone time (W entertains them at this time), I still hated doing it. I would consistently get about 6 ounces from both breasts. 

Recently I decided I wanted to stop. We very rarely use the frozen milk and our chest freezer in the basement has zero space. I've half filled my in-laws freezer and ours as well. 

So, a few days ago I decided it was time. Today marks the 4th day without pumping and it's going great. It's so freeing to not be hooked up to that pump and to get an extra 20-30 mins in the morning. I'm so grateful to have been able to build such a huge freezer stash with the help of my trusty madela pump in style, but so glad to not have to worry about freezing milk, finding space, or washing pieces. 

As the girls get closer and closer to turning 1 I know we aren't ready to start weaning. I think I'd like to cut back on their daytime feedings at that time, but I want to continue to nurse them. I'm so grateful to have succeeded in my goal of breastfeeding twins without supplementing. It really helped me regain confidence in the body that felt like it failed me so many times before. 


  1. I'm completely amazed that you did it! It was something I'd hoped for, but went into with open eyes that it may not work. We made it 7.5 months of nursing/supplementing, but never being able to only nurse was just too much for me. I'm totally impressed with your success! Way to go mama!

  2. YAY for being able to EBF the girls! I quit pumping at 11mo with Stella, and it was HEAVEN to put that thing away. I'm grateful for the technology, but it's definitely a love/hate relationship. Way to go!

  3. It is incredible that you breastfed for so long. I can't wait to be done pumping (though not breastfeeding)

  4. Nicely done mama!!! I'm proud of you! Isn't it an amazing feeling to have a little of the trust restored in your body? I know that was my experience exclusively breastfeeding (or breastmilk feeding more accurately as I pump while working) my little one after infertility.

  5. That is a huge accomplishment. Huge. I would have loved to nurse but C never took to it and exclusively pumping was really tough. Especially when I went back to work and got so little milk. Be proud.

  6. You are an inspiration! I'm expecting twin girls in December and I hope to be able to accomplish the same even though I'll probably have to go back to work part time in January I'm hoping I can do it. What breast pump did u use and did u like it?

    1. I used a Madela pump in style. It's great! Had I known though, I probably would have rented a hospital grade pump since insurance often covers it for preemies. I was able to use the hospital one for the first few weeks at the nicu and it was definitely more powerful.

    2. Rent a pump from the hospital! It's so much more powerful and I got so much more with it. It's essential with twins! Especially in the beginning when you are trying to build up supply.

  7. What's you've been able to do for the girls is amazing! Great job.

  8. I am in awe of how much milk you produced!!! I never had enough supply and always had to supplement. I can't believe it took you this long to stop pumping since you have such a huge stockpile. I hated pumping but had to do it out of necessity. Good job, mama.

  9. I am in awe of how awesome you have done! I never produced enough milk to make it worthwhile and only lasted a month. Breast feeding twins is hard work! I am super impressed with you!
