Monday, November 1, 2010

Back to the RE Post-Op

I had my appointment on Friday with the RE. The nurse recognized me in the waiting room and asked how I was doing on my way to the receptionist. The receptionist also asked how I was doing. They then took me right into the office. 

They weighed me first. I'm not too happy with my weight these days and am really looking forward to getting back into better shape now that this cyst is gone. Because the cyst was so large and the doctor wasn't sure what it was, he advised me to not do too much vigorous exercise until I got in removed. 

They took me into an exam room and the doctor checked the stitches. He said they looked good and that I was healing well. He then said to meet him in his office. 

This appointment was a little different from the past ones. For starters, I no longer had the cyst that was always a concern in the past. Also, we were talking about taking our next steps towards pregnancy during this meeting. He said we had two options: to take Lupron for 3-6 months and see whether is clears my tubes. He said we would do it for 3 months and then run the HSG again. 

The other option is to go ahead with IVF. Since I am young and my tubes are blocked, this is our course where we will likely have the most success. When I asked the doctor what the success rates are at that clinic, he said he has only been there since July and that since they are a University, that they get the trickier cases. He says their odds don't look as good as other clinics for that reason. He also said that other IVF doctors would "kill" for a patient like me. I appear to be an easier case than he is used to. 

The doctor started talking about pricing and insurance for IVF. He said that since it is through the University, that it is more affordable (around $6,000). He said my insurance may cover it, but it also may not. I was told to call their billing person on Monday to discuss my insurance and what is covered. 

This leaves us with the decision as to what to do next. Do we take the Lupron that insurance covers and hope for the best with my tubes, or do we not waste time and get to the IVF? I have enough money in my bank account to cover one round, but what if we aren't successful? Choices, choices.....

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