I wrote this post in the beginning of May but still want to post it. The girls have changed a bit since this post, but I don't want to forget I wrote it.
Mother's Day 2016
I did an update for L & C every month of their life for the first two years. Then I stopped and haven't written anything since. I figured it was time to update on them. They've changed so much since they turned two so it seemed appropriate to do a little update on them.
Swinging on the big swings |
At the zoo |
Penguins |
First time bowling |
We all have a baby and carseat |
New van |
Family hike |
A day at the beach with friends |
Mama and her girls on mother's day |
Riding on the glider board with hooded towels after swim lessons |
Clara- You're such a big personality. You have such a big heart and it shows every day. You're always thinking of your sister and bringing her things and will willingly share with her most times. You would hug Lucy all day long if she let you. Instead, since she often doesn't like too much affection from you, you'll push her buttons trying to touch her, especially in the car. Since you have such a big heart, you hurt big too. You are so emotional and will go from 0-10 quite quickly. You are difficult to understand sometimes and can get very frustrated. I try to work with you on your speech, but it's tough to find the time. I need to do a better job of that. If we slow down and really try to understand you most times we can. The other times Lucy can usually interpret for you. You still always love to have things in your hands. Toys, bags, snacks, accessories, books, you name it and you'll carry it around with you. You still really love your Owlie lovey and your kitty that was once your pacifier. You love baby Stella but can be a little rough with her. You also tend to get jealous when Daddy pays attention to her. You are such a Daddy's girl and always want to sit on his lap. You love watching and helping him in the kitchen and your food identification skills are quite impressive. You love books and will warm up to most people if they read to you. You're still having a hard time with your balance and coordination and recently qualified for early intervention physical therapy. We got a second opinion on your vision since you have Duane syndrome and he said glasses could help. We are waiting to meet with the first Dr to see what he says since he really has the reputation in this area as the pediatric specialist. You still love stuffed animals and especially monkeys. Your favorite color is purple and you love pushing your doll stroller. You're totally potty trained and can dress yourself with a little help. You can still be a little bit of a picky eater and you're a girl who loves her carbs. You've have two ear infections and we will get your hearing tested soon.
Snuggling with Stella before bed |
On the big girl swing! |
Crazy bag lady |
With her Paw Patrol Build a Bear |
Gymnastics |
When your kid chooses bells as their toy to bring along for the day |

Lucy- When I look back on old videos it's almost hard to believe you once imitated and did everything Clara did since you are such a leader now. You definitely are the more take charge and talkative sister now. You want to be in control of yourself and Clara most times and luckily for you she goes with the flow usually. You've officially reached the point where you talk more than you're quiet you have so much to say. Some days I wonder where the off switch is since there's no stopping you. You love to play with your baby dolls, pushing them in the doll stroller and feeding them in their high chairs. You'll carry you baby around, all wrapped up, rocking and shushing it. You love your baby sister Stella and get so excited to see her. She really loves you and looks up to you so much already. You still don't love when Clara touches you, yet you'll laugh as Stella pulls your hair. You love princesses and all things girly, just like your Aunt Kate. You love the color pink and will only wear pink socks. Your hair is finally growing in and you're getting ringlet curls in the back. Your hair is still pretty light brown compared to everyone else's. You love all things active; gymnastics, walking, jumping, outdoor play, and most recently, hiking. You are much more level headed than your sister and really only have tantrums when you're tired or hungry. Most other times you can be reasoned with pretty easily. The only exception is your complaints in the car that your carseat is "too tight!" It drives your mama absolutely crazy! Your speech is pretty easy to understand and you're good about using other words or showing us when we don't understand. You are using sentences that are 10 words long pretty regularly. You're still teeny tiny and only weigh around 21 pounds. You really only fit in leggings for pants and I had to sew a bunch of your pairs of underwear to get them to fit. You're just starting to fit in size 5 toddler shoes. I was so excited I could finally buy you some pink Hunter boots to match mine. You're very kind and thoughtful and are always asking about and thinking about Clara if you're not with her. You know her favorites and how to calm her down when others can't.
Lucy and Stella |
Such a peanut on the swing |
She hiked the entire time and amazed me |
Dinner date with mommy and Lucy |
Gymnastics |
Passed out with her blue eyed baby |
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