Monday, January 20, 2014

I See You!

My girls are starting to notice each other little bits here and there. I catch them glancing at the other one throughout the day. This morning I left the room and returned to find Clara playing with Lucy's hands. I love to hold one baby over the other one so their faces are almost touching. They definitely stare at each other then.

One morning I moved Lucy next to Clara in bed. She looked over at her sister and smiled the biggest, ear-to-ear smile at her. 

I can't wait to see how their relationship develops over time. 


  1. aww that is adorable! they already look precious together!

  2. That is the most adorable picture!!

  3. Oh my goodness, this is the sweetest! I've loved watching the boys' relationship grow- there is nothing like it!

  4. My girls are doing the same thing. I put them on their tummies in their boppies facing each other and they smile and coo at each other. It totally sounds like they are having a conversation. Of course, they stop as soon as I try to film it!

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